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About Us

Sense Production was established in 1993 by Mr. Kong Kam Chiu. Founder and Chief Photographer. He has sound knowledge and experience in Advertising Photography, especially in Traditional Film to Digital photography. Our 5,000 sq ft studio is the largest private-owned studio in Hong Kong. In the past 20 years, we have served individuals, families and commercials enterprises.

Sense Production is a professional photography production house specializing in all kinds of studio and location shots, and providing comprehensive commercial photography and digital photography services. In previous years, we have successfully assisted various advertising companies and in-house promotion departments to deliver product images to a wide range of target customers, and achieved their market goals with remarkable results.

Professional Affiliations

Mr. Kong Kam Chiu, "KK" is a member of the following professional organizations.

Our photography services indlude

  • Interior Design and Architecture
  • Product Shot
  • PR Events
  • Portraits
  • Headshots
  • Pre-Wedding
  • Pregnancy
  • Newborn
  • Kids
  • Family, and
  • Pets

In the past 25 years, we set up following photography brands:

graduation photography

Our Co-operate Partners:



May 27

• Apple Daily 蘋果日報

May 29

• Sharp Daily 爽報採訪


Mar 31

• Metro POP 第207期 Signature Supplement

Jan 27 • The Standard ﹣ 知識產權署於1月21日舉行的「知識資本管理卓越成就」獎頒獎典禮
Jan 27 • AM730 ﹣ 知識產權署於1月21日舉行的「知識資本管理卓越成就」獎頒獎典禮
Jan 21 知識產權署於1月21日舉行的「知識資本管理卓越成就」獎頒獎典禮 - 有關活動花絮
  知識產權署於1月21日舉行的「知識資本管理卓越成就」獎頒獎典禮 - 有關2010年香港機構之知識資本報告

Nov 18 • 經潸日報 - 香港國際授權展 本屆最佳授權項目推廣 最後5強
Sep 28 • 蘋果日報 - 採訪 《THOMAS & FRIENDS》 攝影
Nov • 工業貿易署 - 中小企脈搏專題《影樓商機多面睇》
Nov • Esdlife - 生命有限 • 回憶無限 • 用相片記下每個重要片段
Feb 21 • 蘋果日報 - 副刊專題《孕婦寫真》
Sep 16 • 有線財經台 - 專題採訪 《Thomas & Friends™》攝影
Jul 16 • 青雲路 - 專題採訪 《Thomas & Friends™》攝影
Jun 12 • 壹週刊 - 專題採訪 《Thomas & Friends™》攝影
May 11 • 明報 - 副刊專題 《Thomas & Friends™》攝影
Apr 08 • 東方新地 - 專題採訪 《Thomas & Friends™》攝影
Jan 26 • 經濟日報 - 商業版
Jan 18 • 星島日報 - 專題採訪 《Thomas & Friends™》攝影
Aug 12 • TVB 財經透視 - 專題採訪《美麗的媽媽》
Aug 13 • 經濟日報 - 專題孕婦攝影
Mar 30 • 都市日報 - 專題採訪 《孕婦及Baby & Kids》 攝影
Mar • The Parents Journal 雜誌 - 再次採訪 《孕婦及BB》報導
Dec - Sep • TVB 週刊 - 連續13期 《親子專區》封面
Dec 19 • The Parents Journal 雜誌 - 採訪《BB》攝影
Dec 12 • 明報 - 副刊專題《孕婦》攝影報導
Nov • TVB 週刊 - 第492期《孕婦》攝影報導
Nov • 親子雜誌 - 採訪 Baby Dreamland
Oct 03 • 蘋果日報 - 《BB》攝影報導
Sep • TVB週刊 - 第484期《BB》攝影報導
Sep 26 • 蘋果日報 - 採訪 《孕婦》 攝影報導
Sep 19 • 蘋果日報 - 採訪 《孕婦》 攝影 | |

Photo Copyright reserved by Sense Production Group Ltd.
© Copyright 1993 - 2018 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
No copying, downloading or reproduction are permitted without our written permission.

Sense Production Group Ltd specializes in creative and professional commercial photography over 20 years. We provides interior and architecture, products shot, portraits and headshot, kids fashion photography.